by Christopher Metz 1
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New Zombies map will bring back the Ray Gun Mark II!

Black Ops II 'Vengeance" Map Pack Will Hit Xbox 360 First

Don’t let Call of Duty: Ghosts distract you from the current CoD title that’s out and thriving! Treyarch recently announced their latest additions to the game in the next Call of Duty: Black Ops II DLC, including a new Zombies map that makes players go "cowboy". Kick off your July 4th weekend with the upcoming “Vengeance” DLC pack.

by D.J. Waaland 0
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Food for the gods

New Trailer for Ascend: Hand of Kul Details Gameplay

A new trailer has surfaced that details some of the gameplay mechanics of Signal Studios' Ascend: Hand of Kul. In Ascend, you are a Caos, a champion of the gods. You are tasked with ridding the lands of other god's shrines, titans, and creatures. Overall, you are trying to diminish the presence of rival gods and make yours stand above all others. Along the way, you will fight many mythical creatures, conquering them in a brutal fashion.

by John Bardinelli 0
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Public alpha demo is ready to play!

Space Nomads Launches Crowdfunding Drive

Space Nomads, the cooperative defense from Loading Studios, has recently launched a crowdfunding drive on Indiegogo. The team is looking for a push to finish out some of the more elaborate features in the works, including fleshing out the explorable terrain, creating flying vehicles, designing a PvP mode, and adding underground areas and ocean biomes. Even more exciting is the alpha demo is available to download!

by John Bardinelli 7
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But free Halo 3 and Assassins Creed 3 is on the way.

Fable 3 Freeness Ends June 30

Remember that time Fable III was given away for free to Xbox Live Gold subscribers? Looks like the deal will officially end on June 30th. Fear not, though, for Microsoft is using the opportunity to kick off its Games with Gold program. Each month on the 1st and 16th until the end of the year, Xbox Live Gold subscribers will get a game for free. Pretty simple. Fable III is short of retroactively shoehorned into the program, but July promises both Halo 3 and Assassins Creed 3, which isn't too shabby.

by John Bardinelli 3
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Madness to the max.

The Crew Features Co-Op Racing and a Massive World to Explore

Announced during the hubbub that was E3 2013, The Crew is shaping up to be one extraordinary game. In development by Ivory Tower studios and published by Ubisoft, the game is a persistent online racer built from the ground-up with social and co-op play in mind. Join in, team up, complete missions and head out for a drive across the USA. But here's the real kicker: the game's world is over 3,100 square miles (5,000 km) in size. The New York map alone is as big as Liberty City from Grand Theft Auto IV. So when you do fancy that drive, you'd better be settled in for the long haul.

by John Bardinelli 0
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They're all so... happy.

New Screens from Disney Infinity

We've seen teasers from the Cars, Monsters University and Pirates of the Caribbean play sets. We've seen the franchise-mixing Toy Box Mode in action. We even got our clammy hands on the game during E3. Now it's back to basics with Disney Infinity: a nice, colorful set of screenshots. Ten new images from the upcoming action adventure game show off characters from Toy Story, The Lone Ranger, The Invincibles and more, all hopping about with big grins on their faces as they play together in Toy Box Mode. It's kind of like a sickeningly cute utopia where everybody's just a touch insane.

by Nick Puleo 2
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Shield of Geekery Plus 3

E3 2013 - NVidia Shield Hands on Impressions

The NVIDIA Shield went up for pre-order just a few weeks ago. The Android powered controller is a unique take on mobile gaming, giving players two distinct ways to play games on the go. The device features a 5" Tegra 4 powered Android screen matched with a fully functional gaming controller. But you aren't limited to just Android games on this device - you can stream games from Steam.

by Nick Puleo 6
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Time to take of the training wheels.

E3 2013 - Takedown: Red Sabre Co-Op Hands on Impressions and Video Interview

I'm an old school PC gamer at heart. I remember some of the best years of PC gaming, especially around the time I went to college. We had titles like Half-Life, Diablo and Rainbow Six hitting their peak then and some of my best memories are playing those games in co-op or multiplayer. While the Rainbow Six franchise has mostly lived on, it's undergone several changes along the way - what we have now is a bit softer. Enter Takedown: Red Sabre - a big boy (or girl) tactical shooter.

by Christopher Metz 0
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4J Studios and Microsoft are in collaboration to implement the feature.

Minecraft 360 Saves May Be Able to Transfer to Xbox One After All

A new console version of Minecraft for the Xbox One was revealed during Microsoft’s E3 press conference last week, hopefully exciting avid Minecrafters for the system. However, those that have put in countless hours into their worlds on the Xbox 360 Edition may not be able to continue their hard work on their Xbox Ones.

by Andrew Gaskill 0
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Never play alone

E3 2013 - Armored Core: Verdict Day Hands-On Impressions and Video Interview

I spent a few minutes at the controls of Armored Core: Verdict Day. I didn't really take the time to drink it all in. Not much has changed as far as core gameplay is concerned. So if you enjoyed the mech combat from ACV you'll find yourself right at home behind the twin sticks. Despite the similarities to the title Armored Core V, this game will be a full sequel, including a new story, characters, and persistent world.  There will still be plenty of content for single, co-op, and versus players. 

by Andrew Gaskill 5

Co-Op Release Alert for the Week of 6.17.2013

I would say I'm still reeling from E3, but I'd be lying. Father's Day weekend, however, THAT was a party. Let me get my mind right and tell you what's what in the world of co-op releases this week. There's not a lot here, but most of your money should be tied up in next-gen pre-orders, anyway. 

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