by D.J. Waaland 1
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No relation to ThunderCats

Thunder Wolves Available on PSN and XBLA, Steam Price Drop

There are a serious lack of helicopter sim games on the market. The flight simulation games that are released are usually PC exclusive games. They also typically tend to be more realistic games, opting for a simulation experience over an arcade-like adventure. Even fewer games attempt to bring co-op into the mix. As such, Thunder Wolves fills a very interesting niche, combining cooperative gameplay, aircraft, and cheap arcade thrills. In Thunder Wolves, one player can control the helicopter while the other controls the firepower. It looks like a fun combo co-op game, and we gave it a favorable review or the PC.

by D.J. Waaland 0
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Something for PC owners to smile about

The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile Coming to PC

Ska Studios has been making lots of news in video game headlines lately. With their latest game Charlie Murder, they are aiming to once again take the XBLA by storm. The indie developer that is responsible for The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai, and The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile, has other news as well. Apparently for some time now, Ska has been trying to port Vampire Smile over to the PC. It seems to be a very wish that is requested by the fans, and Ska has always wanted to make it a reality. They have finally announced that the the desire will become true.

by Jason Love 0
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Jesse Sosa takes us on a tour through the world of MechKnight

Indie-Ana Co-Op - Gaming with Dinosaur Games and MechKnight Chronicles

In this episode of Indie-Ana Co-Op, we "game with the devs" at Dinosaur Games, developers of MechKnight Chronicles: Knightfall. The co-op side scrolling brawler is reminiscent of Guardian Heroes, Knights of the Round, and many other classics, and is currently in development for PC/Mac. Jesse Sosa, the owner and creative director at Dinosaur Games, talks about the inspiration behind MechKnight Chronicles, the episodic nature of the game, and their plans for what is to come.

by Andrew Gaskill 6
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The best co-op from this year's E3

E3 2013 - Co-Optimus Game of Show Awards

E3 2013 has wrapped and the long, hot summer of anticipation has begun. We were granted access to next-gen consoles and THE GAMES OF TOMORROW. Wielding our co-op gaming expertise, we have judged the offerings of industry titans and pugnacious indies. We created the Co-Optimus E3 2013 Game of Show Award to separate the lavish trailers and spectacular booths from real, hands-on gameplay. There are several contenders, but there is only one winner.. To qualify, the game had to have be playable cooperatively. That’s it. These are the co-op games to watch in the months to come. These are the titles that made an impression in a sea of digital escapism. These are our Co-Optimus E3 2013 Game of Show Nominees! Oh, and one standout winner.

by Nick Puleo 30
  • xbox one
Free to take your console anywhere

Microsoft's One-Eighty On the Xbox One's DRM Policy

Microsoft has updated its policies on the Xbox One regarding the always online requirement of the system, or rather, the 24 hour check. Along those lines the policies regarding trading, lending, and reselling of your physical games were confusing and unclear leading many consumers to wonder if they should invest in the $500 console. Today Microsoft listened in part and started to refine the system's features five months before release.

by Jason Love 0
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Get the core game and all expansions for a low, low price

AI War Celebrates 4 Years with Bundle Savings, New Expansion

Arcen Games' flagship title, AI War, turns four years old this week. Four years! In today's seemingly "churn 'em and burn 'em" world of games, it's impressive that a title has not only maintained its lifespan for that period of time, but the developers themselves continue to support it and release new content for it. In celebration of this occasion, Arcen is offering a bundle deal of all that content for just $6, including their latest expansion: Vengeance of the Machine. It's easy math. 1 game plus 5 expansions = $6.

by John Bardinelli 1
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We catch them with our teeth.

Narco Terror Fires Off Some New Screenshots

A fistful of new images from Narco Terror just arrived via an unmarked box thrown out the window of a black sedan. Deep Silver and Rubicon Orgnization's upcoming twin stick shooter is all about guns, drug cartels, kidnappings, explosions, and cheesy 80s action tropes. In short: blinding amounts of adrenaline and fun. And the new screenshots aren't afraid to show it.

by Andrew Gaskill 3
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I died.

E3 2013 - Dark Souls 2 Hands-On Impressions

Dark Souls 2. Played it. Got killed. No big deal. Alright. I'll try to keep this post from getting ridiculously long, but no promises. Once I get going on the Souls games I kind of... well, let's see what happens. While I didn't have time to reflect upon the nuances of any of the ornate carvings that adorned my surroundings and whatever godforsaken lore they might allude to, I can tell you I noticed plenty of changes during my brief time with From Software's baby.

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