by D.J. Waaland 0
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New trailer and E3 demo available to all

Company of Heroes 2 New Multiplayer Trailer and Campaign Demo for Play

There is no denying that there is a shortage of quality RTS games in the gaming scene. Particularly ones that deal with something other than aliens in space. Company of Heroes is one such series that breaks that tradition, opting for historic tanks and a World War II setting rather than the typical sci-fi fair. The latest from Relic, Company of Heroes 2 is shaping up to be quite a solid game. Fortunately, we have all had the opportunity to play for it a bit, because the game has been in a free open beta. The best part about the beta is that your stats for multiplayer will carry over to the full version of the game.

by Mike Katsufrakis 3
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Harmonix Gets Experimental

E3 2013 - Fantasia: Music Evolved Impressions

After my Disney Infinity preview, I was treated to an in-theater demo of Harmonix' upcoming Fantasia: Music Evolved. Now, I had heard that this was going to be a game based on the classic Fantasia films, but with the inclusion of modern music, which seemed to clash with the theme. I went in skeptical, but Harmonix decided to get experimental on me and now I'm warming up to the idea.

by Mike Katsufrakis 0
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Hail to the Chief

E3 2013 - Saints Row IV Hands-On Impressions

Saints Row IV opens five years after the events of Saints Row: The Third. The leader of the Saints (that's you) is now the President of the United States of America, your Vice President is Keith David, you've just cured cancer (or fed the hungry), punched an annoying congressman in the face, and you're on your way to the daily press conference. Suddenly, aliens attack, and our 30 minutes of hands-on time with the game begins.

by Christopher Metz 0
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We'd love to see more of this on the big screen!

Two Rayman Legends Trailers Showcase Absolutely Vibrant Arwork

Rayman Legends is quickly approaching release time. From what we saw at E3, it’s going to be one of the best looking (art-wise) co-op titles on the Wii U. But since this game will be releasing on most consoles now, practically everyone will be able to play this visually vibrant, stunning game come August. But just to grab a bit more eye-candy, we had a few new trailers pop up from Ubisoft that are def. worth watching once.

by D.J. Waaland 8
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I think we all want a Thunderlord now

E3 2013 - Epic Destiny Trailer Features Cooperative Gameplay

By now, the hype train surrounding Bungie's next  IP Destiny is in full effect. News has been trickling in over the last few months since the epic project has been released, but we were treated to the biggest reveal at E3. During the Playstation Conference on the first day of E3 this year, a rather long segment was revealed for Destiny using the Playstation 4. Our own Jason Love covered the trailer in-depth yesterday. The trailer was nothing short of amazing for the cooperative crowd - featuring an over twelve minutes of action-packed gameplay.

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