by Andrew Gaskill 1

Co-Op Release Alert for the Week of 7.1.2013

It's a good week to go outside, unless you live west of the Rockies. If it's in triple digits on your porch you may want to sit inside and wonder about the life choices you've made and how the consequences have resulted in your home being surrounded by a hell-ravaged nightmare (check out the RealFeel). If you live in a place where the air hasn't caught fire, congratulations. Enjoy the 4th. 

by John Bardinelli 2
  • couch
You mad?

3D Streets of Rage Leaked by PEGI

Sega continues its push to release 3D remakes of its classic games on Nintendo 3DS. 3D Altered Beast has already hit Japan, bringing with it enhanced gameplay features along with two player local co-op. Recently the Australian Classification Board leaked a listing for another oldie turned new: 3D Streets of Rage!

by Nick Puleo 10
  • xbox one
3rd party headsets popular, adapter incoming

Xbox One Headset Revelations

It was just last week we learned that the Xbox One would forgo including a headset in the box for online chat. Instead the system would rely on its Kinect peripheral for your voice chatting needs. For a myriad of reasons this isn't ideal, but perhaps more eye opening is the fact that existing 3rd party headsets would not work with the Xbox One. So we did what any good site would do, we hit up our community.

by Jason Love 0
Check out Retrobooster, FORCED, BroForce, and more

Greenlight Supershow Highlights Indie Co-Op Titles

Looking for a way to spend your Saturday afternoon? You're in luck! A handful of independent developers have teamed up to show off their games, chat with fans, and, hopefully, get some support for their game on Steam Greenlight. The Greenlight Supershow kicked off at 10:30 AM EDT this morning with a stream of over 20 different games currently seeking support on the Greenlight service. The list of games, which can be found after the break, includes a number of cooperative titles, including FORCEDRetrobooster, and BroForce. So hop on over to the live stream to check out a few titles and show some support.

by Andrew Gaskill 0
  • playstation vita
  • couch
  • online
Sacrifice them all

Soul Sacrifice Adds Two New Monsters to Roster, Four New Videos Reveal Future Archfiends

More free Soul Sacrifice DLC dropped this week. I finally pried myself away from the Vita version of Hotline Miami (Beyond Co-Op Review forthcoming) long enough to check it out. I nearly forgot how easy it is to pick up and play Comcept's twisted fantasy game. I jumped in, linked up with some randoms, sacrificed the souls of a few monsters, swiped some Lacrima, and was on my way. Smooth. 

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