by Enoch Starnes 0
We're on the hunt for those sweet, sweet discounts.

Our Weekend In Gaming: Sale Squad

The Co-Opticrew is delving into the mire of Steam's Summer Sale and hoping to emerge with as many precious baubles as our wallets will allow.  You'd think year after year of discount-diving experience would make us a bit more savvy with our hard-earned dollars, but that's not quite the case.  However, we have posted a missive from our journey that may help guide any newcomers.  It's definitely worth checking out if you're wanting to pick up a few co-op games over the next week or two.

by Matthew Squaire 0
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The Official PlayStation Podcast Touches The Upcoming Game’s Heroes

Crystal Dynamics’ Avengers Looks To Change The Focus

Little is known about the upcoming Avengers game from Crystal Dynamics other than: 1) its unique aesthetic, 2) it will have a September 4th release date, and 3) it will have co-op  Thankfully, Episode 366 of the official PlayStation podcast helped with some of this. In the interview, studio head Scot Amos  mentioned that Kamala Khan (a character featuring healing and polymorphic abilities) will have a similar point of view as the player. This makes a lot of sense, as Amos  puts it: "People who are fans of anything Marvel will have some way in, will already have an understanding. That's why Kamala's so special to us... she is us in a way, right? She's a fan of the Avengers."

by Nick Puleo 0
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Wading through 73 Million Discounts So you Don't Have To

Hidden Co-Op Gems of the Steam Summer Sale

The Steam Summer Sale 2020 is in full effect. If you didn't know it's the annual time of year where your wallet screams for mercy because "oh, it's only $4" times 37. There are plenty of big name co-op games on sale, you've got your Borderlands 3, Halo: The Master Chief Collection, and Monster Hunter: World among dozens of others. But we're going to dig a bit deeper than page 1 and show you some of our favorite games we've found on deep discount.

by Enoch Starnes 0
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The sun's out, so legally speaking, you have to.

Get Your Buns Out For Overcooked! 2's Next Free Update

Overcooked! 2 is the gift that keeps on giving these days.  The base game arrived close to two years ago, and ever since, Team 17 has been pushing out content at a rapid rate.  While there are a few paid DLC packs that each add a substantial amount of playtime, much of the downloadable content has been added free of charge.

by Nick Puleo 0
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Four Relics DLC available as part of the Gift Bag DLC

Divinity: Original Sin 2 Gets New Free DLC

Since Divinity: Original Sin 2 peaked with its definitive edition and console versions, Larian Studios has been slowly dripping out "Gift Bag" DLC for the game for players. This content so far has mostly been small quests and cosmetic items for players to enhance their experience. The new DLC titles the "Four Relics of Rivellon" adds a bit more to the game.

by Nick Puleo 0
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With a 5 player co-op mode included

Star Wars: Squadrons Brings Space Sim Star Wars Back

EA has recently announced a brand new Star Wars game to its lineup, and it's going to be something a little different than Battlefront 2 fans are used to, but familiar for fans of something from many years past. Star Wars: Squadrons is a brand new space sim putting players in the cockpits of Rebel and Empire starships through a campaign on each side of the battle, and then jumping into multiplayer dogfighting. 

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