by Tally Callahan 0
Bless Online to launch this month and events for TERA, Black Desert Online, and Bless Online

MMO Co-Opportunities Volume XCII: Trick of Treat!

In MMOs, the month of October usually means one thing: Halloween events! This month we’ll be looking at Halloween-themed events running in TERA and Bless Online, a 7-day trial challenge currently ongoing in Black Desert Online, and Bless Online’s impending jump from Early Access to official release....

by Nick Puleo 0
  • pc
  • couch
  • online
Blind Spots

Final Days Co-Op Stream Recap

Final Days kicked of last week's Monday Night Stream, with Nick and Jason diving head first into the twin stick shooter. The game itself is pretty basic - drop in with you and some friends against a set number of mutant enemies. Clear the enemies, move on to the next stage. 

by Matthew Squaire 0
  • pc
  • playstation 4
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  • online
Welcome The Militia

Latest Earthfall Update Adds New Weapon and New Skins

There are two things that make for a great update: a low price (or free!), and readily available when players want it. In the new Militia update for Earthfall, both of those boxes can be checked off since it is completely free and already available across all platforms. Much like the previous update, Inferno, the latest content brings a new weapon (grenade launchers), character skins and weapon skins.

by Enoch Starnes 0
We're just resting our eyes.

Our Weekend In Gaming: A Brief Respite

Another weekend, another Weekend in Gaming article featuring your favorite co-op writers.  We're a little light on cooperative gaming of the digital variety, but we're trying to make up for it with some good, old-fashioned board gaming.  Seeing as how we're knee-deep in the Season of Endless Video Game Releases, our eyes could probably use a break from the dim glow of a monitor/television anyway.

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