by Nick Puleo 0
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Watchout for Corndog, coffee cup man.

Pit People Early Access Co-Op Stream Recap

Last night Locke and I jumped into the pit...Pit People to be precise. The upcoming turn based strategy game from Castle Crashers developer The Behemoth is a unique take on the tactical rpg genre that combines their famed art style and humor with a simplified and chaotic look at strategy. The game is still in early access on Steam, but we were able to take the two player co-op mode for a spin.

by Tally Callahan 0
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Blizzard reveals the female Necromancer and six new Necromancer skills

New Info on Diablo 3's Necromancer Plus Hands-On Impressions (PAX East 2017)

At PAX East 2017, I attended a special press event for Diablo 3 (D3) on the Necromancer. While the Rise of the Necromancer was already announced at BlizzCON 2016, this press event revealed details on the female necromancer model as well as a whole new set of Necromancer skills. I also had the chance to go hands-on with the female Necromancer and he...

by Enoch Starnes 0
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The rise of the Ghost Babies!

The Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth Has A Nintendo Switch Release Date

The Nintendo Switch is out in full force, so naturally, games of all shapes and sizes are being announced left and right.  A standout in the proverbial flurry, though, has always been the roguelike twin-stick shooter, The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth .  It's on just about every platform you can think of at this point, and while its Switch release was probably inevitable, it certainly lends a bit more heft to a system without a ton of available titles.

by Nick Puleo 0
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Splinter-Cell with Trolls

Styx: Shards of Darkness Adds Two Player Co-Op

Styx: Master of Shadows was released in 2014 to somewhat universal critical acclaim. As a fantasy stealth action game, it was fantastic and wholly unique. Fans of the game will be happy to know a sequel is out next week on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. Called Styx: Shards of Darkness, players are once again dropped into the leather boots of an assassin troll...and this time they can bring a friend.

by Enoch Starnes 0
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Featuring as many Norse landscapes as a 30 second clip can hold.

There's An Itsy Bitsy Trailer Out For Vikings - Wolves Of Midgard

The latest in Norse ARPG goodness is just a couple weeks away.  Soon enough, you can brave the harsh colds of Niflheim, combat deadly creatures, and engage in sweet blood sacrifices without having to physically do any of that stuff!  It's probably for the best, to be honest.  I'm a wimp in lower temperatures and probably really bad at gathering blood.

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