by Enoch Starnes 0
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Just when you thought it was safe to escape.

There's A Brand New Trailer For The Escapists 2

You ever think that humanity wasn't meant to be cooped up in a cage, man?  We're, like, supposed to be free.  To roam the wild.  To eat whatever we want.  To craft makeshift weapons out of household items.  You squares lock us up, and we'll just keep finding ways to really live our lives.  At least, that's what I've learned from The Escapists 2, anyway.

by Tally Callahan 0
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New trailer highlights story of this remastered shooter

Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition Releases Story Trailer

People Can Fly and Gearbox dropped a new trailer this week for the upcoming Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition. Focusing on story, this trailer will refresh the memories of fans of the original game or introduce new players to the plot of the game. First released in 2011 for PC and the last generation of consoles, the Full Clip Edition is r...

by Enoch Starnes 0
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Guns! Bullets! References to old science fiction novels!

Enter The Gungeon Is Coming To Nintendo Switch

Sure, the Nintendo Switch may end up representing a significant step in Nintendo's return to form.  And sure, it may have one of the better titles to launch alongside a brand new console.  But can the Switch really call itself a true console?  I submit that it cannot - at least, not until it serves the purpose of "platform on which you can do bullet things with the guns and such".

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