by Nick Puleo 0
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All available for pre-order

Gears of War 4 Collector's Edition Revealed Alongside New Screens

It's everybody's favorite time of a videogame's release life cycle, when the pre-order bonuses and collector's editions are announced. Gears of War 4, the upcoming co-op game on Xbox one, has gotten the same treatment with a standard, ultimate and collector's edition revealed today along with new screens of the characters, executions and environments.

by Jason Love 0
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Get them now while supplies last

32 Songs Will be Removed from The Beatles: Rock Band Store

Licensing agreements are a tricky thing. Releasing licensed songs via some medium typically entails setting term limits for how long those songs can be sold. This is an issue that Harmonix first came across three years ago with content for their games, and it's still an issue today. On May 5, 2016, 32 songs from The Beatles: Rock Band will be removed from the store and will not be available for purchase again.

by Jason Love 0
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Dinosaurs don't do so well in the winter, though

ARK: Survival Evolved Adds Official Mods, Delayed Release

It's a good news/bad news day for ARK: Survival Evolved. The good news? The Xbox One and PC versions of the game will add official mods (i.e., those mods that appear to be selected by developer Studio Wildcard to be integrated into the game) to the title staring next month with a new map designed by a member of the ARK community. The bad news? The game's official release date is delayed across all platforms until sometime this winter.

by Jason Love 0
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More cooperative matches played than competitive

Battleborn Open Beta Stats

The open beta period for Gearbox's upcoming title Battleborn is over, but looks like the 2k has been sitting down to crunch the numbers from it all. During the 10 day period the beta ran on the PlayStation 4, and five days on Xbox One and PC, 1.4 million Story Mode matches (the cooperative part of the game) were played by the over 2 million players that participated.

by Taylor Killian 0
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How much door is "too much door"?

Spook Campers With Friday The 13th Gameplay Trailers

Jason Voorhees tops the charts on kill counts as far as major horror villains are concerned. This guy's been skewering/bludgeoning/tearing the limbs off of naked, defenseless campers for a couple of decades now, so he's got way more blood on his hands than your typical "monster of the week." Perhaps that's why a co-op survival horror game based on Friday the 13th, makes sense over, say, a Jeepers Creepers game. Jason won't start to have an existential breakdown no matter how many campers you throw at him. Nope! He'll keep carving into those screaming, amoral teens without question!

by Enoch Starnes 0
Buzz Aldrin's original term for rocket science.

Our Weekend In Gaming: Space Magic

Don't get me wrong, I know that the wonders of space have been combined with the allure of magic in plenty of fictional works, but it feels like no-gravity wizardry just hasn't been utilized in recent games, at least nothing with a redeemable story.  Luckily for us all, Co-Optimus doesn't just bring people together, it also takes genres and makes 'em get all cuddly.  We've got Nick, Marc, and Eric to thank for all this action, what with their Protoss and their Planeswalkers and whatnot. 

by Jason Love 0
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Housemarque: Bob Rossing explosions since 1995

Alienation's Weapon Upgrade System Detailed, Explosion Art

Housemarque's newest co-op shooter, Alienation, hits the PSN Store next Tuesday. To get you pumped for all of the aliens and explosions and exploding aliens you'll no doubt be witnessing, the developer's put together a little video discussing their history and a little of their design philosophy when it comes to making fantastic detonations.

by Enoch Starnes 0
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Sadness has two new homes!

The Binding Of Isaac: Afterbirth DLC Has A PS4 And Xbox One Release Date

At some point in our lives, we've all had to learn that it's okay to cry.  Sometimes, it's the passing of a pet that sets us off.  Other times, it's the fact that you're actually really good at baseball, and everyone else in this stadium is a big, dumb idiot.  Regardless of the circumstances, crying is a healthy release of emotion and, in the case of The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, a means to defend yourself against hordes of vicious flies and maggots.

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