by John Bardinelli 0
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Rock star.

Indie Studio Teases Co-Op Puzzle Exploration Game Pode

When a star and a boulder get together, something weird's gonna happen. In the case of Stella and Bulder, that weird thing is a video game. Currently in development by indie game studio Henchman & Goon, Pode is a co-op puzzle and exploration game that emphasizes experience over challenge, setting up a gorgeous world two players can explore together.

by Jason Love 0
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It's not called a "hulk" because it's green

New Screens Show Off Space Hulk: Deathwing Environment

Last summer we got news that Space Hulk: Deathwing - an FPS set in the Warhammer 40k universe where players control a squad of Terminators to clear out a ship of Tyranids - would be getting four player co-op. Since then, things have gone quiet about the title, regrettably, and the only new info we've gotten have been some new screens showing off just how immense this Space Hulk ship really is.

by Jason Love 0
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Perhaps the Dark Souls of rogues

Roguelike Necropolis Adds Four Player Co-Op, Gets Release Date

Harebrained Schemes, best known for reviving the Shadowrun games with Shadowrun: Dragonfall and Shadowrun Returns, has recently announced that their latest title, Necropolis, will now support four player co-op. The game is an action-based roguelike, meaning you'll be swinging your sword at monsters and having to start from scratch should you die, but it has a couple unique quirks.

by Taylor Killian 0
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You can't lose with love!

Embrace More Love With Lovers In A Dangerous Space Time On PS4

Valentines day looms for all of you lucky lads and lasses, and everyone always has the same dilemma: you've secured a case of chocolates, your roses are on the way, and you're ready for a blissful night of passion. After the initial bout of carnal pleasure wears off, however, what do you do? Luckily, if you own a PS4, you can safeguard the secrets of love against the enemies of affection everywhere. Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime premiers on Playstation 4 February 9th.

by Jason Love 0
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Zombie Mario 1-1

Community Created Maps Coming to Dying Light on Console

Folks who tuned into Twitch this past weekend may have found Techland, the developer behind Dying Light and the original Dead Island, playing through some maps created by the Dying Light community using the tools the developer put out there. Aside from an excuse to play the game, the developer was taking a look through many of these maps as they plan to bring them over to the console version of the game.

by Taylor Killian 0
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A few Xbox-themed goodies spice up the deal.

Rocket League Blazes Onto Xbox One In Febuary

Every sport in the world is improved once you add flying cars to it. Even that weird Canadian one where they sweep the ice really quickly to guide a big rock. Just imagine if a minivan wearing a giant sombrero and shooting money out of its exhaust laid waste to their carefully swept plans, and shot that rock back across the ice. Then an airhorn sounds, the rock goes nova, and that minivan flies back into the jubilant crowd. See? I'm not wrong.

by Jason Love 0
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Revamped co-op mode, cross-buy/cross-play, and improved controls

Rocketbirds 2: Evolution Announced for PS4 and Vita

Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken was one of those titles that slipped past the radar of a lot of people, but it was a fairly solid co-op action platformer with some fun mechanics. The developer recently announced on the European PlayStation blog that a sequel, Rocketbirds 2: Evolution, is in the works and brings with it some needed enhancements.

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