by John Bardinelli 0
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Plant on plant violence is so hot right now.

Feast Your Lookers on Three Minutes of Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 Gameplay

The game that didn't need to be a first person shooter but that turned out to be pretty good anyway is coming back, and we've got the trailer to prove it! An indulgent gameplay reveal video for Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 shows off a solid three and a half minutes of plant on undead action. Just the way we like it. A little ...

by John Bardinelli 0
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Or break out the Wii U and start playing right away!

Co-Op Shmup FullBlast Greenlit for PC

When it comes to shmups, do you really want anything less than a "full blast" experience? Arcade-styled shooter FullBlast from UFO Crash Games sticks to its roots to provide a deliciously old school shmup experience, complete with two player couch co-op. The game has already been released on Ouya and Wii U and is now greenlit for PC by the Steam community!

by Taylor Killian 0
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If partnering with a mouthless alien who feeds off of mental power is wrong, I don't want to be right!

Join Your StarCraft II Co-Op Buddy With New Commander Karax

Sometimes, couples just don't work out. I know, I know. You thought Zagara would be a great fit for Rory Swann, but you keep hearing your friends gossiping about how Raynor and Artanis form an unstoppable ball of death and it's driving you crazy. Time to cut ties with your huge, genocidal bug-lady. It'll be rough, but, you know, there are plenty of aliens in the-- well, hello, Karax. I didn't see you there, with your lack of a mouth and your arsenal of psionic war machines.

by Jason Love 0
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A community view of the events of the past several months

The Story of PAYDAY 2 and Microtransactions - Part 2

Last time we looked at some of the moments over the past two years with PAYDAY 2 that lead its developer, Overkill, to decide on implementing microtransactions, from their own point of view. This time, we turn a bit more to the community perspective and dive a little deeper into those same events, starting with where we left off: the Hype Train eve...

by Sam Tyler 0
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The game that would not die

What the Fu? A New Shaq-Fu Trailer!

Back in July 2014, Co-Optimus wrote a little story all about a giant basketball player called Shaquille O'Neal who was having a new Shaq-Fu game made.  Fast forward 18 months and nothing was heard about Shaq-Fu: A Legend Reborn until now.  A new trailer for the game has been announced and at this point it feels like it should be known as Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn, Reborn Again.

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