by Taylor Killian 0
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A Tide of Trailers.

Enjoy A Horde Of Vermintide Trailers

Much like the endless legion of Skaven populating the bad guys of Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide, Fatshark Studios have been pumping out trailer after trailer to promote their new game. Maybe they intend to evoke the same feeling of being swallowed up by bipedal rat-men by drowning us all in videos of said Skaven ripping stuff up. Seriously. Every time I've tried to watch a trailer this week, it's been nothing but rat-folk trying to murder everybody.

by Enoch Starnes 0
Rats off to ya!

Our Weekend In Gaming: Dungeons and Skaven Edition

Just as it is written in the ancient tomes, tradition mandates that we delve into another Weekend in Gaming.  Little is spoken about The Grand Co-Optimus Library, but it is within those musty manuscripts that we gleaned our eternal duties:  "Thou must enjoy at least one game of the video or tabletop variety, then announce your intention the masses, lest the realms fall into utter chaos."  And so, like the obedient Co-opiteers that came before us, we carry on this sacred ritual.  

by Nick Puleo 0
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If you build it, Master Chief Will Come

Halo 5 Mega Bloks Giveaway - Gausshog and Scorpion Tank

Halo 5: Guardians is just a few days away from release, and if you keep your eye on Co-Optimus we'll have our full review coming Monday, October 26th right before release. But thanks to the fine folks over at Mega Bloks we can help hype you up a few days early with a giveaway of two sets of Halo themed items with included Halo 5: Guardians Requisition packs for the game.

by Taylor Killian 0
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Free yourself of the shackles of Mouse and Keyboard

Divinity: Original Sin - Enhanced Edition's Combat Tailored For Controllers

Let's not mince words here: we really liked Divinity: Original Sin. The whole Co-Opticrew was pretty pumped about getting a new version on current gen consoles. Maybe somebody out there is afraid of building their own hulking monolithic computer, and opts for a PS4 or an Xbox One instead. Of course, the PC's version was heavily dependent on the classic RPG standby of the Mouse and Keyboard combo. If Larian studios intended to bring Divinity to consoles, they'd have to map their controls to an actual controller.

by Jason Love 0
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The puzzle/arena co-op brawler finally arrives on consoles

FORCED Available Today on PS4 and Xbox One

If you cast your mind back a couple years, you may recall a co-op arena brawler called FORCED. The game was notable not only for its co-op play, but the story behind its developer, BetaDwarf, as well. Initially a PC only release, there were plans for it to come to consoles, but it got delayed. Well the wait is over and the game will finally be available to play on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One today.

by Enoch Starnes 0
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You can probably stop kicking those baby ducks now.

Overlord: Fellowship Of Evil Is Now Available For Your Nefarious Needs

The latest in ne'er-do-well technology has finally reached our digital doorsteps.  No longer must we make prank phone calls or donate to Trump's presidential campaign to sate our sadistic desires.  Thanks to Overlord: Fellowship of Evil, we can direct our now menace onto hapless, digital creatures.  It's pretty much a victimless crime!  Unless, for whatever reason, you do consider AI to be partially sentient.  Then it's, like, 100% filled with victims.

by John Bardinelli 0
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Look at the little blobby things!

Press Buttons, Change Sizes in Co-Op Puzzle Platformer Shift Happens

Here's the pitch: you're an ambulatory mound of jelly, see, and your partner is also an ambulatory mound of jelly. You can both change sizes, but whenever one character changes mass, he adds/removes mass from the other. Sounds like boring science stuff, but really it's Shift Happens, a couch co-op puzzle platformer just released on Steam Early Access by Klonk Games.

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