by Enoch Starnes 0
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There won't be cameras, but you can assume we'll be flexing the whole time.

BROFORCE Out Now, Watch The Co-Opticrew Take It On Tonight

As resident co-op sage, Jason Love, so wisely predicted, BROFORCE is indeed out today on PC for your adrenaline-fueled pleasure.  For a while there, fans couldn't be faulted for feeling that it would be stuck in the quagmire of Early Access for all eternity, but G'newell (the dark prince of Early Access) has found his quarry escaped, and the game has finally emerged from his dominion.

by Taylor Killian 0
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In case of Zombies, disregard speed limits.

Dying Light: The Following Expansion Set for Q1 2016

Dune buggy enthusiasts everywhere reveled in the Gamescom announcement of Dying Light's "The Following" DLC, finally giving you and your homies a method of cruising through the zombie apocalypse in style. You'd better start digging through your closet for your vintage racing goggles soon, since "The Following" is set to roll on up during the first three months of 2016. You and your co-op partners can toil away the winter months scraping gore off your roll cages.

by Enoch Starnes 0
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They're practically paying you to defend these dungeons.

Dungeon Defenders II's Alpha Is Out, Free, And Open To All

Trendy Entertainment, developer of Dungeon Defenders II, gazed upon the hordes of malnourished tower defense enthusiasts and found them weak, malnourished, and craving a new title to feast upon.  "But, they lack the necessary funds", their miserly advisers told them, "they cannot afford to even dream of our forthcoming title."  Nevertheless, the developers saw the masses' desperation, and their morality rang true.  "Give the people what they need", they said, "and make it free, make it all free."

by Taylor Killian 0
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Full time Ranger, part time Exterminator.

Meet The Dwarf Ranger From Warhammer: End Times- Vermintide

Frankly, I never thought the End Times would be as a result of colossal rat-people. Zombies, sure. Maybe even Draculas. But rat folks? Didn't see that coming. Luckily for us, here to stem the onslaught of Skaven in Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide is one Bardin Goreksson, the Dwarf Ranger. Not sure what exactly qualifies him as a Ranger, given that he's most at home burying an axe in some rat-dude's brain, but that's what he calls himself, and who am I to judge a furious ball of destruction.

by Nick Puleo 0
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Zombies still aren't boring.

How to Survive 2 Mixes Minecraft with Left 4 Dead, Hands on Preview

At New York Comic Con last week I went hands on with several 505 Games published titles. I rather enjoyed upcoming indie title Indivisible, which mixes side scrolling fighting with a JRPG style game. I also really dug checking out Adr1ft on the Oculus Rift, a truly unique experience for sure. But it was How to Survive 2 I was there to see for Co-Optimus; the upcoming sequel boasting 16 player server support and four player co-op.

by Jason Love 0
A Doctor Who extra and an Englishman that isn't Sam

Meet the Actors Behind the Voices in Sword Coast Legends

The PC version of Sword Coast Legends arrives next week, and I'm getting kind of excited for the prospects of what the game could be. Namely, a way to conduct an entire D&D campaign (complete with DM) for a group of friends using familiar cRPG mechanics. In anticipation of its impending release, please enjoy these videos of a couple of the actors voicing some of the characters.

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