by Sam Tyler 0
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Clunk click, every trip

Skylanders Superchargers Launches Big with their New Trailer

Silly Season is upon us once more as we are bombarded with top titles after a relatively quiet summer.  For families, one of the games to look forward to is the 2 player local co-op title Skylanders Superchargers.  Still part of the popular platform series, this time the game has vehicles.  These are no ordinary vehicles, let the launch trailer show you how they are different.

by Enoch Starnes 0
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Just when you thought it was safe to have dangerously spiky teeth.

Orcs Must Die! Unchained Gets New Hero, Map, And Traps

Be it through books, games, or movies, the fantasy genre of late has started to take a closer look at mankind's greatest foe: the orc.  Stances have begun to soften, their portrayals as heartless monsters have been replaced with those presenting them as savage, yet honorable creatures, and certainly not created to oppose the forces of good.  The Orcs Must Die! franchise (including Orcs Must Die! Unchained) brings us back to the days of yore, when orcs were evil and needed to be slain.  That was that.

by Nick Puleo 0
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You drop the beat, I'll bust the moves.

Let's Play Warlocks vs Shadows as Beat Droppin Dub-Step Wizards

Warlocks vs Shadows has created a new genre of co-op gaming. One in which a bass dropping wizard can unleash phat beats upon enemies while his co-op partner dances like its his job unleashing a storm of fireballs from the sky. If that's isn't a unique co-op experience, I don't know what is. In our latest let's play, we take a look at the final version of the indie action game on Steam in two player co-op - though you can play four. Can you imagine the sick beats?

by Eric Murphy 0
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Humble Bundle, Extra Life, and Operation Supply Drop bring you the best Rainbow Six Siege pre-order bonus

Fight Terrorism And Save Kids With The Humble Tom Clancy Bundle

Do you love Tom Clancy games? Do you like exclusive t-shirts? Would you like to save a kid's or veteran's life? If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, then you should definitely check out the Humble Tom Clancy Bundle. For only $75, you could virtually walk away with Rainbow Six Siege (pre-order), an awesome Rainbow Six Siege t-shirt, a ton of Tom Clancy games, and that great heartwarming feeling you get after donating to Extra Life and Operation Supply Drop.

by Enoch Starnes 0
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Barbecue and British zombie extermination, a thoroughly American experience.

Killing Floor 2 Update Officially Available, Check It Out For Free This Weekend

The relaxation of Labor Day Weekend is nearly upon us, and with it comes the latest update to the decidedly un-relaxing Killing Floor 2.  Unless, that is, you find zombie dismemberment relaxing.  Look, Co-optimus is a judgement-free zone.  Some people need a quiet room and meditation, others need to rip the arms off legions of the undead.

by Steven Merced 0
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The Co-Op Battle For Tatooine Begins

Star Wars Battlefront Beta Drops In October With New Game Mode

Ladies and Gentlemen, in case you haven’t already seen the signs Star Wars fever is upon us and it’s looking to get a whole lot bigger this holiday season. With the recent launch of Disney Infinity 3.0, the upcoming Star Wars Battlefront game and Star Wars: The Force Awakens hitting theaters in December it is honestly the best year to be a Star Wars fan. So it looks like September, November and December are all covered with fantastic Star Wars stuff, but what about October? Are we really going to go a whole month with nothing to fulfill our Star Wars pallet? Well it looks like that is no longer the case thanks to EA.

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