by Tally Callahan 0
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Sequel to Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light to have 4-player co-op this time!

[E3 2014] Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris Announced

Over a year ago Crystal Dynamics stated that there were no sequels planned for Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light. Co-op fans cried out in anguish. Apparently our cries were heard, because this week at E3, Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris was announced - a clear sequel, this time with 4-player co-op! You tease, Crystal Dynamics!

by Nick Puleo 0
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Fight the man.

[E3 2014] - Homefront: The Revolution Eyes on Preview

The original Homefront game was met with mixed reception, and when THQ folded it was unclear if the series would live on. Crytek picked up the IP and joined forces with Deep Silver to keep the series' legacy alive. While the original game was mostly a straightforward shooter, Crytek's entry into the series is more focused on open world gameplay, building and crafting. We watched a live gameplay demo of the game in action at E3 2014 and liked where the series is heading.

by Taylor Killian 0
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Those people sure do sound upset about something!

[E3 2014] - Deep Down Trailer

It's been a while since that original PlayStation 4 reveal, featuring Deep Down on the main stage. All we saw was a dude in armor trying his hardest not to roast alive in front of a dragon. Apparently there is more to Deep Down than hiding behind walls and making fire-breathing lizards really, really mad. Apparently there's a really weird sci-fi element here too!

by Taylor Killian 0
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Float-jump your way through four products!

[E3 2014] - Forge Included in Halo Collection; Halo 2 Campaign Trailer

Microsoft announced Halo: The Master Chief Collection at its press conference on Monday, featuring all four games starring our favorite faceless supersoldier in one convenient package. Because playing games in anything less than 1080p makes some people's eyes bleed, Master Chief's adventures have all received the Halo Anniversary treatment and been updated for our modern retinas. Feast your eyes on some of the hot campaign action from Halo 2 in this trailer.

by Nick Puleo 0

[E3 2014] - Day 2 In Pictures

Day 2 of E3 2014 is over and the Co-Opticrew is STUFFED with game information straight from the show floor. As we slowly digest everything we've seen and work to get up the written content, we thought you'd like to to witness some of the E3 chaos in picture form. 

by Nick Puleo 0
A monster show so far.

[E3 2014] - Day 1 in Pictures

Day 1 is behind us and the Co-Opticrew managed to see almost 15 games in the first day. It was jam packed with content and we'll be bringing you previews and interviews over the next week as we work to edit and write things up. In the meantime we've posted some pictures from around the show floor that hopefully convey the scale and craziness that is E3 2014.

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