by Nick Puleo 0
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Smashing skeletons

[E3 2014] - Hellraid is the Game Heretic Fans have been Waiting For

I had the pleasure of growing up and witnessing first person shooters since their birth. While not hte first, DOOM ignited the genre and then spun off several other thematic games. One of my personal favorites was the Heretic and Hexen series of shooters, which took the demonic theme of DOOM and changed it into a fantasy setting. Hellraid, from developer Techland, looks and feels very much like those games - putting players into dark and gritty dungeons, swamps and forests as they take on mythical creatures.

by Justin Reynolds 0
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The light won't kill you, but the night might.

[E3 2014] - Dying Light Hands On Preview

During my time with Techland's Dying Light I played two very different parts of the game. In the opening minutes your character is just getting started and must approach every situation with caution, while later in the game the same character has improved his skills considerably and can take on multiple foes with little trouble.

by Jason Love 0
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We may not know who you do voodoo, but get ready to take down zombies in SoCal

[E3 2014] - More Co-Op Zombie Looting in Dead Island 2

Deep Silver publishing has released a few Dead Island games since the initial one hit back in 2011 with a trailer that was equal parts terrifying and poignant with a soundtrack that was evocative of the TV show "Lost." The FPS zombie killing co-op loot fest is back in a direct sequel, Dead Island 2, with a trailer that's a little more upbeat and comical, but just a touch disturbing and subversive in its own right.

by Nick Puleo 0
Microsoft, Sony, Ubisoft and EA

[E3 2014] - Press Conference Wrap-Up Video Coverage

Day 0 of E3 is done, and Co-Optimus is bringing you their wrap up of all the press conferences that happened, with impressions of the games announced including all the co-op goodness. We've got surprise announcements like Dead Island 2, Magicka 2 and Assassin's Creed Unity. So sit back and relax and here all the good news that went down for co-op gamers on Monday, June 9th 2014 at E3 in Los Angeles.

by Jason Love 0
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Paradox is doing its part to employ all those out of work wizards

[E3 2014] - Dust Off Your Robes and Hat, Magicka 2 Coming to PS4 and PC

It has been quite some time since we've heard from the multi-colored wizards of Magicka, despite their plentiful DLC releases. Apparently Paradox felt the same way, as they announced during Sony's Press Conference yesterday that Magicka 2 will be coming soon to PS4 and PC. Get your crazy spell combining on!

by Taylor Killian 0
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Elephant Versus Jeep

[E3 2014] - Weaponize Pachyderms in Far Cry 4

Games with enough hype behind them at can show up in several press conferences at E3, each appearance highlighting a new part of the game. Far Cry 4 got a double-feature this year, showing up first in Ubisoft's conference before moonlighting at Sony's. The shooter, due out November 18th of this year, demonstrated some of its explosive, high-flying gameplay at the Sony show, where they were also kind enough to clue us in on some co-op options.

by Jason Love 0
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And the award for the longest DLC title for goes to...

[E3 2014] - Dead Rising 3 DLC Adds 4 Player Arcade Co-Op Mode

I've got to give Capcom credit, they are well aware how ridiculous some of their "special" or extended editions of their games can get as Dead Rising 3 is getting a new piece of DLC titled Super Ultra Dead Rising 3 Arcade Remix Hyper Edition (EX plus Alpha). This new DLC adds a four-player arcade mode to the game and is only available on the Xbox One. It's also available right now!

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