by Taylor Killian 0
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Undead AND Facist?!

Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombies Anniversary Sale; Coming Soon to Consoles

If you don't already own the most sophisticated Nazi Zombie Shooting Simulator ever released, Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army and the sequel, Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 2, this weekend might be the best chance to pick up both games on the cheap. Celebrating the series' one year anniversary, both titles are a whopping 75% off on Steam and the Rebellion Store, meaning you can snag both for $6.75. Chances are if you are a living, breathing human like myself, you have grown to really loathe the undead, especially if those zombies happen to be really huge fans of Mein Kampf

by John Bardinelli 0
  • nintendo wii
Online co-op sputters and dies, if it ever really lived in the first place.

Nintendo to Pull Wii and DS Online Services in May

Get in your last few rounds of online Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Mario Kart DS, because on May 20, Nintendo is handing its Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection service a pair of cement shoes. This means matchmaking, leaderboards and online play for over 400 Wii and DS games will cease to exist, forcing players around the world to sit with people in person to play last-gen multiplayer games.

by Nick Puleo 0
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See it in action

Insurgency - 8 Player Tactical Co-Op Now on Steam

Tactical co-op shooters are rare - with the only recent example of a hardcore title being Takedown: Red Sabre. But there's another recent release; Insurgency is the first game by New World Interactive, a new Denver based studio developing the Source engine title for PC. While the core of the game is focused on its four competitive multiplayer modes for up to 32 players, the game does feature an eight player co-op mode.

by Nick Puleo 0
#3 in the Lexy Cooper Series

Get Griefed - A Video Game Murder Mystery Novel

You may remember Trixie360, former community manager of Xbox Live, host of numerous video shows that were on the console a few years back. She interviewed former editor Jim McLaughlin for a gamer spotlight a few years back as well as helped usher in Xbox Live Co-Op Night. Since moving on from Microsoft, Christa Charter (aka Trixie360) has become a successful author writing several novels. Her series based on a character named Lexy Cooper is particularly interesting for gamers. Why? The stories are murder mysteries set in a universe respectful of gamer culture.

by Taylor Killian 0
  • pc
Fantasy race relations are probably really complicated.

Age of Wonders III Coming to PC March 31

Separated from the last entry in the franchise by a decade, Age of Wonders III is out on PCs March 31 for $40. Originally due out last year, Triumph Studios pushed the game back to brush up and apply additional polish. Now that they've had a little extra time, wizard enthusiasts everywhere should be ready to command their loyal dragonmen to commit genocide against anyone who disagrees with them.

by Justin Reynolds 0
  • xbox live arcade
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We've been waiting for this day

Takedown: Red Sabre Out on Xbox 360

Takedown: Red Sabre has had a rocky launch, but this underdog may soon rise in the ranks. The Kickstarter-funded game originally set for PC and Xbox 360 once lived exclusively on PC while the publisher worked with Microsoft to navigate the its console launch. However, the day has finally come for 360 owners. The game that first launched in September for PC is now available for Xbox 360, and it's not the same version you may have played months ago.

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