by Taylor Killian 0
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Nothing says "gigantic alien menace" like a Danzig cover.

Evolve's Official Trailer Rocks Pretty Hard

Evolve is the product of our race's greatest desires. For millennia, humanity has gazed up into the vast ocean of stars above us and wondered, "I'll bet there's some real nasty monsters up there, and boy howdy would I like to shoot 'em dead!" This is not because of any xenophobic tendencies our ancestors may have harbored, but because it sounded like a lot of fun to join some friends with a bunch of big ol' guns to tackle something that could swallow a schoolbus. 

by Justin Reynolds 0
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Probably out on Steam. Probably fun. Definitely ridiculous.

Probably Archery Probably Has Fun Co-Op

There comes a time when you have to fight off a giant pumpkin using only your super accurate hand and finger movements. That time is when you play Probably Archery, and you can do it today. Probably Archery gives players tons of control over the small details and hand movements of using a bow, and places you in ridiculous situations. Shoot a hangman's rope, kill some flying eggs in a china shop, and fight apple-headed warriors... in space!

by Christopher Metz 0
  • xbox one
Official Xbox One headset and headset adapter are coming as well.

New Online Chat Features Coming to Xbox One in Early March

Early March seems to be the time frame that Microsoft wants to uplift the social experience on the Xbox One. As we mentioned in a previous article, Microsoft will be releasing a handful of Xbox One system updates over the next few weeks. Along with this, new information on the official headset for the console has been revealed.

by Marc Allie 0
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Game and DLC offerings discounted

Fable 2 is 50% Off This Week

This week's Xbox Live Store deals include an older game from one of the most acclaimed developers of all time. Peter Molyneux's Fable 2 is one sale for 50% off, taking it down to a thrifty $9.99 here in the US. The sale also includes two DLC add-ons for the game, Knothole Island and See the Future. The former is $4.99 and the latter will set you back $3.49. These titles will be on sale until February 17.

by Nick Puleo 0
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Continuing to follow the shiny

Trine 2 Co-Op Stream: Extremely Magical Puzzle Solving Part 2

Last week Locke, Mike and Nick started a co-op playthrough of Trine 2 on PC. They loved it so much they figured, why not play through the entire game and chronicle the event. So today we present to you part two of our Extremely Magical Puzzling Solving series on Trine 2. Hopefully you can see some of our truly "inventive" ways of twisting the physics engine to our liking by watching the video.

by Nick Puleo 0
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Enjoy user levels too

Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition Adds Online Multiplayer and Co-Op

Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition just got a huge upgrade for owners of the recent release of the classic 1996 shooter which originally developed by 3D Realms. The Steam version of the game now has built in online mulitplayer for up to eight players with Steam integration and more. Better still the release now includes the Build level editor as well as Steam Workshop support for user created levels.

by Taylor Killian 0
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Don't expect Dong Zhuo to make an appearance at the X Games.

Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme Legends goes Live March 25th

Folks throw a lot of well-deserved flak at the Dynasty Warriors franchise, so they've decided to up their game by naming the newest title Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme Legends, available on the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and the PS Vita March 25th in the US, and April 4th in the UK. Not only are they trying to appeal to the hardcore crowd, but they have a tenuous grasp on how to sound cool in English, and also because it worked so well for Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball.

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