by Sam Tyler 0
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So many layers, it's like Inception

LEGO. Movie. Game. Launch. Trailer.

The LEGO series has become a staple element of many Co-Optimus reader's gaming diet, with their hours of 2 player local co-op entertainment.  However, until now we have been familiar with the properties the games are based on.  Thankfully, the same can probably be said of The LEGO Movie Videogame, the film just made over $69 million in its first weekend!

by John Bardinelli 0
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You wear a disguise to look like human guys, but you're not a man you're an octopus.

Octodad: Dadliest Catch Co-Op Review

We all know how smart octopodes (that's right, we're being pedantic) can be. Their curious brains, slimy tentacles and squishable bodies let them get into all sorts of mischief under the sea. But how clever does an octopus have to be to live on land? To wear a suit? To have a wife and be a father to two children? It's some clever hoodwi...

by Taylor Killian 0
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This design offers the equivalent of an ocular massage.

UPDATED: Treat Your Eyes to this Child of Light Trailer; Release Date and Price Announced

For my money, there is nothing out there that meets Child of Light for graphical awe. The first impressions enchanted me in a way few games do, and has refused to let me go ever since. The visuals alone would have kept me begging for more, though combine that with combat influenced by Grandia 2 and April 30th needs to get here faster. This little title swoops in at $14.99 for the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and the PC.

by Taylor Killian 0
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A few other packs snuck in as well

Get Dat Money with the Bling Bling DLC Pack Out Now for Saints Row 4

As a Saint, you've worn plenty of different hats over the years. Whether it's taking fashion tips from anime charactersembracing your inner caveman, or taking Talk Like a Pirate Day way too seriously, every Saint has always kept to one unyielding rule. There ain't nothin' in this world more important than money. You know. Dosh. Scrilla. Benjamins. Chedder. Dolla-dolla bills, yo.

by Nick Puleo 0
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From 2011 to Today's 2 Billion Dollar Franchise

Skylanders Infographic Hints at New Skylanders Game

Activision has sent along a small infographic which showcases the Skylanders franchise from its launch in 2011 until the near future in 2014 when a new game is being teased by the original creators, Toys for Bob. With over 175 Million toys sold and 2 billion in franchise revenue Skylanders has become a staple franchise in both the videogame and toy markets.

by Taylor Killian 0
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The PlayStation Eye sees all....

Use Your Real Body as a Stepping Stone in Commander Cherry's Puzzled Adventure

With the advent of new technology, plenty of games force you to make ridiculous yoga poses for its own amusement, but most of these rely on personal training, a la WiiFit and Xbox Fitness. I'm still on the fence as to if those count as actual games or not, but I digress. What if there was a game which allowed you to utilize the pose of a friend's real life body in order to provide platforms in that exact shape to traverse across a ravine?

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