by Nick Puleo 0
  • pc
Will people line up to buy these?

Valve Reveals Hardware Partners for Steam Machines Sans a Marketing Plan

Valve have announced 13 hardware partners for creating and selling Steam Machines, the computers that will power Steam OS. Steam OS is an open source operating system based on the Linux Debian Kernel that will run a version of Steam designed for living room computers. It'll have a custom controller design to make gaming easier without a mouse and keyboard. You won't necessarily have to buy a Steam Machine to see it in action; when Steam OS launches later this year, you'll be able to build your own computer. 

by Jason Love 0
  • pc
  • couch
  • online
Strap yourselves in, it’s going to be a long flight

Ring Runner: Flight of the Sages Co-Op Review

Combining top-down space shooter gameplay with RPG storytelling and customization options, Ring Runner: Flight of the Sages is a far richer and deeper game than I initially thought. With a campaign mode that is, for the most part, co-op friendly and five other game modes that are entirely co-op friendly, there’s a lot of game for your buck. T...

by Jason Love 0
New year, same news... well, maybe

Beyond Co-Op - December 29th through January 4th, 2014

Welcome to 2014 and the latest edition of Beyond Co-Op, our week's end news piece that accumulates a few of the more interesting non co-op stories from the past several days. With the end of 2013, there were a lot of "best of" lists and "what to expect for gaming in 2014" going around. Once you get past those, however, there were a couple pieces of note, like a piece of malware stealing WoW players' account information and a new Ace Attorney game in the works.

by Nick Puleo 0

Our Weekend in Gaming - Deep Freeze Edition

Someone please turn on the big heater in the sky. Much of the United States is under a deep freeze with plenty of snow on top of it. That means it's a good time to stay indoors and let your computers and consoles warm up your house while co-op gaming on the couch. Let's see what the staff is playing.

by Nick Puleo 0
  • xbox live
  • xbox one
An easy work around, but an annoying one.

Want to Make a Kid's Account on Xbox One? You'll Need a Valid Email Address

The Xbox One is all about taking over your living room, from your TV to your Blu-Ray player and of course video games themselves. The Kinect adds a bit to the ease of access for this, allowing you and your family to say simple voice commands for common actions like volume control, pausing movies and even switching channels on the TV.

by Sam Tyler 0
  • playstation 3
  • xbox 360
  • xbox live
  • playstation network
  • couch
My Spidey senses are tingling

Activision Developed Marvel Games Yanked from Digital Platforms

Happy New Year everyone!  This is the time for New Year Resolutions, for Fresh Starts and New Beginnings.  One new beginning appears to be the end for Marvel games developed by Activision on digital platforms.  Several games including the co-op title Spiderman: Friend or Foe have been pulled from Steam, XBL and PSN.

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