by Nick Puleo 0
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Xbox One, PlayStation 4, games, Games, GAMES!

2013 Year in Review of Co-Op Gaming

Another year is in the books. As we head into the 7th year of Co-Optimus, your prime source for co-op gaming, we look back at what 2013 brought us. It was the first year in which we saw major console launches on the site. The big news of those launches though were the politics behind it - an old fashioned console war was brewing and gamers were stuck in the middle of it. 

by Taylor Killian 0
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Gory, pixelated goodness.

Mercenary Kings Launches (For Real) in 2014

Redemption draws near for those of you who have not yet experienced the chaos of Mercenary Kings on Steam. Developer Tribute Games hopes the four player co-op 2d shooter gets a proper launch in early 2014 on both Steam and PS4. Those chomping at the bit to play may purchase the title immediately while in Early Access on Steam for $14.99. If you somehow manage through this next year without playing this homage to side scrolling shooters of eons past, you should take a moment to consider where your life went so wrong.

by Nick Puleo 0
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Bring 8 friends for some serious space chaos

Fight Rocket Propelled Chainsaws with Teleporting Attack Bears in XenoRaptor

Having made an indie-twin stick shooter myself, I know it's a tough market to crack. Still, the reason I chose to create a game in that genre was because its a genre so near and dear to my heart. So when I got an email about XenoRaptor with the subject line "Fight rocket propelled chainsaws as a cyberdragon in this co-op bullet hell" I knew I had to check it out.

by Nick Puleo 0
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At a price point far, far too high.

Angry Birds Star Wars (Console) Co-Op Review

You've undoubtedly heard of the Angry Birds franchise by now. The mobile game has transcended beyond the borders of a $1 downloadable title to become a cultural phenomenon played by gamers and traditional non-gamers alike. It's odd to think a small game about avians and swines can spawn an entire line of merchandise including plushies and c...

by John Bardinelli 0
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Someone hit the wrong button.

X-Men Arcade Game Vanishes from PSN, Stays on XBLA

Like one of Gob's little tricks ("They're illusions, Michael."), X-Men Arcade has been pulled from PlayStation Network without notice. The wacky thing is that it's still up on Xbox Live Arcade. Licensing issues? Excess of tachyon particles building up at Sony HQ? No official word has been released, so we're free to speculate and assume the worst!

by John Bardinelli 0
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Or, you know, it might not.

Guacamelee Might be Headed to Next-Gen Consoles

We're not ones to monger, but have you heard the buzz around the hive? It seems Drinkbox Studio's Guacamelee will slather itself on PS4 and Xbox One consoles in spring 2014. It's bringing with it a fistful of new content for its next-gen debut, including two new worlds, enhanced visuals, and a "chicken bomb" ability.

by Jason Love 0
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Celebrate the holidays, space ninja style

Warframe on the PC Gets Update, Discount on Platinum

Digital Extremes has the perfect gift for you all gamers who, like me, enjoy the simple things in life: like space ninjas. The PC version of Warframe has gotten a new update, titled "Cicero Crisis," which includes yet another new Warframe along with a new tileset, new weapons, and further improvements. Topping all of THAT off, they're also running a big sale on their "platinum" and mod packs through Amazon and Steam.

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