by Locke Vincent 3
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A Passing Grade Requires Copious Amounts of Bashed Heads.

Final Exam Co-Op Review

High school reunions are almost as awkward as high school itself. The great thing is that you get to hang with friends that you haven’t seen in years, all while avoiding ex boyfriends/girlfriends like the plague. However in Mighty Rocket Studio’s Final Exam, the return to high school is crashed by horrific monsters who want to do more t...

by Taylor Killian 0
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Battle abominations from beyond the stars

Call of Duty: Ghosts Extinction Mode Classes Revealed; New Live Action Trailer

The Call of Duty universe seems like a terrible place to live. Not only is every moment in modern human history punctuated by war, but every single terrorist cell seems to have access to a nuclear arsenal capable of leveling any city on earth. Then, perhaps due to the massive amount of nuclear fallout, there were zombies. And now that we've banded together to kill all of the terrible zombies, aliens with a taste for human flesh have invaded. Those folks just can't catch a break.

by John Bardinelli 0
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Guess that whole Scrolls debacle didn't leave any hurt feelings.

Minecraft Meets Skyrim in Upcoming Mash-Up Pack

Skyrim is a game that lets you run around and shoot things in the knees with arrows. Minecraft is a game where you set blocks all over the place and curse at the walking cactus creepers when they blow everything up. Put them together and you've got a crazy (but cool) mash-up that will soon dominate your Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition experience.

by Christopher Metz 2
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PC content will be consistently pumped into this version.

Awesomenauts is Aiming for PS4's Launch Date

Some time ago, we got word that Romino’s popular MOBA title, Awesomenauts, would be coming to the PS4 sometime after launch. However, in this crazy time of the next console gen launches, things certainly do change quite frequently. As of now, be aware that the game will be arriving much sooner than we had hoped for (and that’s a good th...

by Taylor Killian 1
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Enjoy another taste of doom before release

New Dark Souls 2 Screens, Beta Details Emerge

Those who couldn't get in on the Dark Souls II beta have another chance to watch their characters be reduced to bloodstains. A limited beta was schedule for North and South America last month, only to be squashed under the heel of some enormous, ancient evil, probably. I imagine those things just run amok down at FromSoftware, accounting for the sadism lacing their games. 

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