by Justin Reynolds 0
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New screens from the first area you'll soar through

Crimson Dragon Coral Lakes Screens of Beauty

We’ve got some juicy new screens for upcoming title Crimson Dragon, a game we can only describe as an on-rails, dragon flying, sky battle of awesome. The screens are from the first area of the game, known as the Coral lakes. The area contains massive structures made from coral, and the visuals looks great. The Coral Lakes are also home to other creatures, such as the Vespin, a bug like creature. When the Vespin swarm together, things can get complicated for the dragon, so it’s best to stay away.

by Taylor Killian 1
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Yar, maties! There be new consoles on th' horizon. Arr.

Assassin's Creed IV PlayStation 4 Bundle Announced

Did you shed all too many tears when Watch_Dogs was delayed? Did you also pre-order the PlayStation 4 bundle, hoping to welcome in a new console generation with fast-paced vigilante action, only for Ubisoft to slap you with the ol' "delay exciting title until Q2 of next year" trick? Dry those tears, friends. The world-wide French developer wishes to mend bridges by offering a new bundle for those wishing to explore the high seas in all their next-gen splendor. Assassin's Creed IV is taking Watch_Dog's spot as the Ubisoft bundle for the PlayStation 4, due out November 15th for $459.98.

by Justin Reynolds 0
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Put down your fists and pick up your Vita for this fighting game sale

Get Knocked Out with Great Fighting Game Deals

PlayStation Vita fighting fans rejoice! Some awesome sales have hit the PS store, and if you’re interested you should act quick as they will only be available for a limited time. Everyone will benefit from discounts of up to 60% off, and PlayStation Plus subscribers will receive and additional 20% on top of that. 

by Nick Puleo 1
  • playstation vita

Charge 3 USB Devices At once with the Anker Astro3 12000mAh Battery

Well all have a good amount of electronic clutter. PlayStation Vitas, cell phones, iPads, Android tablets and other gaming devices and gadgets litter our desks. Each device runs on a battery and every time we drain it, we charge them. But there are times when we simply can't get to a wall outlet, and while most devices are using USB connections for charging, some devices can't charge from a standard USB port on a computer or laptop. Enter the Anker Astro3 battery featuring three USB ports capable of charging just about any device and then some.

by Taylor Killian 0
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Get some opinions from people who have actually played the game

Dark Souls II Press Impressions Video

It's always exciting to hear fans of the series spout insane stories about their experiences in the Souls games. Such in-game events as "I shot the tail of this dragon with like a million arrows and I got this awesome sword!" always bring warmth to my heart. It reminds me of days before the internet, when a grammar school friend would proclaim beating Metroid in under three hours would reveal that the heroic space marine you controlled the entire time happened to possess two X chromosomes. 

by Sam Tyler 2
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FEAR for Batman and the Lord of the Rings

Tell Your Friends, All Your Friends, I am the Warner Brothers Humble Bundle

Robin Hood was sort of a superhero of his day, robbing from the rich and giving to the poor, whilst roaming around the forest in a pair of tights.  You could be a little hero yourself by giving some money to the WB Humble Bundle on Steam and getting F.E.A.R. 3The Lord of the Rings: War in the North and a Batman game or two, for as much as you like.

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