by Justin Reynolds 0
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Now Mac owners can finally cross the line

Spec Ops: The Line out on Mac

If you’re a Mac gamer and a fan of Apocalypse Now, we’ve got some news for you. Spec Ops: The Line is now available on Mac. We won’t hold it against you if you go buy it right now. The port is priced at $29.99 and features Game Center support and cross-platform multiplayer. Check the system requirements to see if your Mac is good to go with this cult it.

by Eric Murphy 0
Help Extra Life and Co-Optimus break records

Extra Life Approaches $4 Million - Gives Away PS3/Vita Games

First of all, I'd like to thank all of our donors and team members for participating in this year's Extra Life charity marathon. The Co-Optimus community and staff continue to impress me with their desire to give to those who need it, and for that I am very thankful. Together, our team has raised $2,038 so far. We're still accepting donations until December 31, so there's still time to get your tax deductible donation in, and to help us reach our team goal of $2,500.

by John Bardinelli 1
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Lions? Check. Tigers? Check? The other thing? Check.

List of Zoo Tycoon's 101 Animals Released

The collect-'em-all zoo simulation Zoo Tycoon, due for release on Xbox One on November 22nd, has a lot of animals. Not a "grains of sand in the Sahara" or "number of times I've dropped my keys in the toilet" kind of numerous, but enough to get excited about. A complete list of all 101 animals in the game has just been released, and yes, it's got sloths.

by Tally Callahan 0
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Expansion announcements, class reveals, and gameplay videos for all

MMO Co-Opportunities Volume XXXVIII: Trailers and Videos for Upcoming MMOs

This month in MMO Co-Opportunities, we take a look at some upcoming MMOs in various stages of development. These are our topics: the announcement of a new World of Warcraft ​expansion, more updates and details on Wildstar’s Warrior, and a new gameplay video from Pathfinder Online. Let’s dig in!...

by Jason Love 1

Our Weekend in Gaming - The Boss is on Vacation Edition

Ok, people, just stay calm. We'll get through this. Pretend it's one of those 80s movies where the parents are away and the teenagers are responsible and definitely DON'T throw a wild party. We don't have the budget to put together a cleaning montage to make things look just as they did when they left so leave everything as is and DON'T TOUCH THAT VASE!

by Taylor Killian 1
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Because Pirates are all the rage

Super Saints and Pirate's Booty coming soon to Saints Row IV

Why settle for a regular old gangster power fantasy when you can add some "super" to your power fantasy. Saints Row IV made it possible for a street-hardened thug to ascend from media mogul to superhuman comic book defender of earth. If you're given the ability to fly, punch aliens into orbit, and shoot fireballs from your hands, you might as well look the part. Grab a buddy and strap on your costumes.

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