by Taylor Killian 2
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These visuals keep making my jaw hit the floor.

Child of Light Gameplay Walkthrough

I really appreciate video games with visuals reminiscent of real world styles. Such as Puppeteer's dedication to their wood and string motif, or how Little Big Planet looks like everything is made of yarn. Child of Light continues to be a feast for the eyes with its watercolor / coloring book look. Such a charming sense of style lends itself to the comparison of a fairy tale, which is apt for a game about a girl with wings.

by Marc Allie 5
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Aliens, puppies, explosions, and more explosions

Call of Duty: Ghosts Co-Op Review

Before I begin this review, I feel compelled to let you know that I am not a big Call of Duty fan. I don't rush out to purchase the annual installment of the mega-popular series. Other than some Spec Ops and Zombie mode with my kids here and there, it has been almost five years since I spent any significant amount of time with any CoD game (it ...

by Taylor Killian 5
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Eviler than "Penultimate Evil" edition.

Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition for PS4; New Reaper of Souls trailer

With a massive revamp of the item system and an expansion on the way, the road ahead for Diablo III looks pretty positive. Blizzard lent their ears to the populous and heard their cries. "More class relevant items!" they pleaded. Blizzard felt their plight. "We don't like the real money auction house! It frightens and confuses us!" cried the people. Again, the real money auction house shall be dealt with. "We want to convey a slick sense of fashion while also having killer stats!" The new Mystic companion allows demon slayers across the globe to don whatever garb they choose.

by John Bardinelli 1
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Just set the geiger powerlantern to three already!

Spaceteam Introduces Cooperative Yelling to the Sci-Fi Genre

Tired of not yelling at your friends? Spaceteam gives you the excuse you've been waiting for! A party game for Android and iOS devices, this creative co-op title supplies you with sci-fi things to yell to the group while everyone scrambles to keep your ship flying. Work together as a space team, or you'll die as a space... non-team.

by John Bardinelli 1
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In that order, of course.

Terraria Console and Mobile Updates Add New Content and Co-Op

When Terraria finally made its way to mobile devices this fall, we had one major complain: no co-op support. What's the point of mining every block of a vast 2D world without being able to show your friends the vague outline of a butt you carved into the wall? A new update from the game's mobile publisher addresses that problem with local co-op support. Hooray!

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