by Enoch Starnes 0
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For all three of you who thought Warhammer 40k was just too tame.

Dawn Of War II: Retribution Just Got Bloodier Thanks To A Surprise DLC Pack

Halloween may be over, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy watching Space Marines get drenched in blood as though they're heavily armored versions of Carrie White.  Thanks to the new "Ridiculously Bloody Blood Pack", Dawn of War II: Retribution will make every shotgun blast, every Tyranid bite, and every psyker strike that much gorier, and all for the low, low price of $1.99.  Just think, for the price of a cup of coffee, you could watch your digital warriors cover themselves in the inner workings of their friends and comrades.  Touching.

by Nick Puleo 0
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  • online eating sandwiches.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Launch Trailer Features Kevin...and Kara

Call of Duty back once again for its annual release, and this year's launch trailer focuses on the player instead of the story. The story for this trailer revolves around "Kevin." Representitive of every player in the game who, given the right tools, can accomplish the impossible. At least, at some esoteric level, that's what I think is being said about Call of Duty: Black Ops 3.

by Eric Murphy 0
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Does it hold up? You'll never know unless you Trine

F.A.L.C.O. Revisits Trine in Episode 11

The F.A.L.C.O. crew had so much fun playing Trine 2 that we decided to go back and play the original Trine. While the two games are very similar, we probably should have played them in order since we found the controls were a bit more clunky and the "skill trees" were more like "skill twigs." There aren't many options! Nonetheless, we ran through Academy Hallways and Wolvercote Catacombs, and had a jolly old time.

by Taylor Killian 0
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Scream your Warface off

Warface Rolls Out Spooky New Cyber Horde Mode For Halloween

Everybody's got their favorite Halloween monstrosity. The undead (zombies, ghosts, mummies) are always popular, while the living, breathing beasts (your wolfmans, fish-persons, the Jersey Devil) have to spread what meager love they get between them. There is one particularly nasty abomination we don't hear a lot about, even in the new digital age: cyborg monstrosities. Warface is finally entrenching them as a Halloween staple with their new co-op mode, "Cyber Horde."

by Taylor Killian 0
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Hoth's greatest exports are lasers.

Conquer The Galaxy In The Star Wars Battlefront Launch Trailer

When Star Wars meets Battlefront, everyone wins! Well, except for the guys on the ground. They all lose pretty hard. Whether they die alone from laser burns on some backwater planet, or get force choked to death by a lightsaber-wielding sociopath for failing to secure a checkpoint, their suffering is our delight. I'm sure the infantry on both sides are dreading Star Wars Battlefront's November 17th release date. However, we can celebrate with a launch trailer chock full of lasers!

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