by Jason Love 0
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Pick up all their greatest hits

Mommy's Best Games Coming to Steam

Mommy's Best Games may be best known (in recent times) for Serious Sam Double D XXL. Prior to making that game, however, they had been cranking out some quality action games for quite some time on XBLIG; titles like ExplosionadeWeapon of Choice, and Shoot 1UP that got me into checking out the indie game scene more. These games are finally making the transition onto Steam on September 23rd.

by Steven Merced 0
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Getting rid of the grind

How Have Weeklies and Nightfall Improved With The Taken King?

Destiny: The Taken King has released and the changes are considerably impactful from top to bottom. Developer Bungie has decided to retool just about every major component of the game, including the endgame PvE activities Nightfall and Heroic Strikes. The major reason for the big change is so that the events in Destiny feel like less of a chore. According to Creative Director Luke Smith the team did not like the way players feel they need to do the Nightfall right away, they want to change that.

by Enoch Starnes 0
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At long last, I can empirically prove that Marty McFly could take on the fifth Doctor.

Get Acquainted With The Extremely Extensive Voice Cast Of Lego Dimensions

Ah, I remember the days of yore.  Long before LEGO Dimensions, I'd plop down on my bedroom floor and spend hours bringing my mish-mash of LEGO sets to life.  Whether it was a party of knights facing down a few overly aggressive pirates or Indiana Jones taking on a Sith apprentice, one common thread ran throughout.  The voice acting was... let's say "amateurish".  

by Enoch Starnes 0
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When I say 'Machine Guns', you say 'Turn-Based'!

Tango Fiesta Gets A Release Date And, Somehow, A JRPG Meta-Prequel

By most accounts, the 80s were the cinematic peak of character action movies.  You had your John Rambos and your John McClanes turning bad guys into piles of far-less-alive bad guys.  You had your Terminators and your Predators providing hours of evidence that Arnold Schwarzenegger is indestructible.  Those movies are thoroughly fake, of course (everyone knows Schwarzenegger's weakness is [REDACTED]), but within every lie is an inkling of truth.  That's why Tango Fiesta aims to tell the real story on September 24th.

by Taylor Killian 0
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November is gonna be a busy month.

StarCraft II: Legacy Of The Void Launches November 10th

A scant year ago, we relished the first details of StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void's dedicated co-op mode with the official announcement of the game. Then Blizzard went radio silent on the final piece of their wildly popular sci-fi strategy title, leaving us clamoring for new info. This weekend at the Starcraft II World Championship Series, Blizzard dropped the mic on the stage by casually tossing out the release date and watching the ensuing scramble of everyone dashing to their PCs. You and your co-op commander of choice will be waging cosmic war against the enemies of the galaxy November 10th.

by Tally Callahan 0
A look at two new elite specializations and Masteries

MMO Co-Opportunities Volume LVIII: Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns Beta Preview, Part 2

Last month, MMO Co-Opportunities featured part 1 of a hands-on preview of the upcoming expansion for Guild Wars 2, Heart of Thorns. In it, I gave some impressions of the new profession (the Revenant), one of the new elite specializations for the game (the Dragonhunter for the Guardian), and some thoughts of the general feel of the new zone. This mo...

by Enoch Starnes 0
I heard that if you fulton another fulton, the game becomes Silent Hills.

Our Weekend In Gaming: Tactical Balloon Edition

Hey gang, what's up?  It feels like just yesterday that the staff was rife with an urge for strategy games.  That feeling has passed, though, shifted to a slightly more tactical craving.  Tactical espionage, that is.  Otherwise, we're discovering the magic of the indie gaming scene, yelling at our significant others in space, and playing virtual board games.  As always, be sure to check out Eric Murphy tonight at 8pm CDT as he and the F.A.L.C.O. crew take on the somehow wealthy undead.

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