by Taylor Killian 0
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  • couch
Couch Co-Op Console Exclusivity

Star Wars Battlefront Gets Split Screen on PS4 and Xbox One; Not for PC

As the Star Wars engine ramps up for the December release of Episode 7, and DICE is hard at work making sure Star Wars Battlefront lives up to the stellar pedigree set by the first two games.  The game's November 17th release date marches steadily on, a few more tidbits of information have come from the usually sealed lips down at DICE, though not all of it might be what you want to hear.

by Nick Puleo 0
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The Island wasn't dead enough, apparently.

Deep Silver Drops Yager from Dead Island 2 Development

Dead Island 2 was noticeably absent from E3 this year. We spotted the beginnings of the title last year and had high hopes for what the game would do in the hands of a brand new developer in Yager Interactive. But alas all was not well with the game's publisher Deep Silver not happy with the direction or progress of the title, sending along an official statement on the development status.

by John Bardinelli 0
  • couch
It's not like we were good enough to make it to the glitch area, anyway.

Rare Replay to Fix 25 Year Old Battletoads Glitch

Here's one for the record books. Battletoads was released in 1991 with a local co-op mode that reminded you why co-op existed. There was just one problem: on level eleven (you know, the one where a rolling lollipop chases you, then you beat it up at the end), a glitch caused the second player's controller to lock up, insta- and perma-death until the next level. Oops.

by Enoch Starnes 0
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A whole big thing of grit.

Westerado: Double Barreled Co-op Review

What we now know as the “Western” genre has grown exponentially over the years in both followers and pervasiveness, but what exactly is it that makes the Western so attractive?  Older generations seem to come to it for the sense of freedom it bestows, the dark storylines, the chance to see rad dudes do rad things.  For a few r...

by John Bardinelli 0
  • couch
Four player co-op, teleportation, possibly other rogue things.

Roving Rogue Wanders onto Wii U

Have you ever wondered what happens after you beat the final boss? After the credits roll and everybody lives happily ever after? You're about to find out. Roving Rogue from PadaOne Games begins where most stories end. You play as Kurt, a short rogue who can teleport short distances, and it's your job to find the beginning. With some friends, of course.

by Mike Katsufrakis 0
Treat yourself to comfort, fend off children and pets

Sumo Sultan Impressions

Sometimes writing about games gives you the opportunity to write about other things. We regularly receive PC and console peripherals, and we've racked up quite a few headphone reviews over the years, but furniture? That's new to me. Recently, the folks at Sumo sent Co-Optimus HQ their Sultan, a large, stylish beanbag chair meant to be the ultimate place to relax in your home while you game, watch TV, or generally be as slothful as possible. I've had it for about two weeks now, and have put it through just about all the paces.

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