by Christopher Metz 1
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Okay, so first I need to punch some wood...

Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition Co-Op FAQ

Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition has been around for quite some time now, and yet nothing has slow down it's evolution in the slightest; it's as popular as game's can get. Since there's so much to experience in the title, let alone playing it cooperatively, it's easy to ask, "Where do I even start?" Luckily, we have some of the most common co-op related questions we've heard since release:

by Nick Puleo 1
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New Screens

Borderlands 2 Headhunter 1: TK Baha's Bloody Harvest Out Now

The first in the headhunter add-on series DLC for Borderlands 2TK Baha’s Bloody Harvest, is available now on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC. It'll set you back $2.99 /  £2.39 / €2,99. The Halloween themed adventure reminds us of the Zombie Island of Dr. Ned from the first Borderlands, though the goal in this is to obtain a unique skin for your character by collecting the head of a boss.

by Justin Reynolds 4
Hold off on racing till 2014, but blow stuff up at launch

Sony Says Sorry for DRIVECLUB Delay with Resogun on PlayStation Plus

It’s a tough start for launch titles. The new highly anticipated IP Watch_Dogs has already been delayed until 2014, and we’ve got word of another delay hitting the PlayStation 4 specifically. Evolution Studies announced that DRIVECLUB is delayed until early 2014, and that includes your PlayStation Plus Edition as well.

by Taylor Killian 3
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See it live at BlizzCon!

Diablo III Expansion confirmed for PS4

Sony will be making an appearance this year at BlizzCon demonstrating the new expansion for Diablo III, Reaper of Souls on PlayStation 4s and PCs. Those wandering the halls of BlizzCon might be some of the first folks to ever play Reaper, given that a demo has yet to be released for any platform. Neither Blizzard or Sony have commented on a PS3 edition of the expansion, nor has there been any hint from Microsoft that a 360 version may be coming. 

by Christopher Metz 5
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New Turtle Beach headsets are also to release alongside it.

Xbox One Headset Adapter Delayed Until 2014

Last week, we learned that the PlayStation 4’s audio options would be a tiny bit limited at launch. Mainly due to Bluetooth and USB based headphone chat being non-applicable, a post release patch will be issued in 2014. Similarly, Microsoft’s top, 3rd party headsets will be pushed into 2014 also,  due to a delay on the promised headset adapter.

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