by Justin Reynolds 3
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Food, water, shelter, and pre purchasing offer some comfort on your undead journey

Tips for Surviving 'How to Survive'

The top down zombie shooter genre sure is full of options. Some may add small quirks here and there, but at the end of the day, they are largely similar. This is why we’re so excited for How to Survive. This title, coming to PC, XBLA, PSN, and Wii U, brings a hoard of new features and gameplay mechanics that turns the game into more than a mindless shooter – you really are playing to survive.

by Taylor Killian 3
  • xbox live
  • xbox one
Bling Panda says "Check out the new features for my digital service!"

Xbox One Friends App Features Emerge

Major Nelson has revealed some of the new features all of you Xbox Ones fans will be enjoying with a Live account. With the online requirement for the Xbox One scrapped, this is news that doesn't necessarily affect everyone, but millions of gamers still flock to Microsoft's service as the preferred place to play with friends. 

by Taylor Killian 0
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How much blood does it take to make a sea?

Painkiller gets new DLC: Demonic Vacation at the Blood Sea

Nordic Games must really have a thing against the forces of darkness. Painkiller: Hell and Damnation received its sixth DLC, Demonic Vacation at the Blood Sea, available for download on Steam for $6.99. I wouldn't be super into a demonic vacation in general, much less if my day job was murdering thousands of demons with holy-powered weapons and ordained explosives. That image does conjure up some ideas about surfing devils and skeletons in Haiwaiian shirts. Alas, that reality was not to be.

by Christopher Metz 0
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Make up the losses with gift of $500K of in-game cash this month!

Rockstar Confirms GTA Online Character Losses Are Permanent

As many of you who played Grand Theft Auto 5’s online mode during the first week of its arrival, problems revolving around lost characters, saves, cloud server errors, and general in-game content were running rampant throughout Rockstar’s servers. Since that time, they’ve been doing their best to recover said content for those of you out there (myself included). To those gamers out there who lost their characters during that time frame, Rockstar confirmed recently that they will not be able to recover them.

by Taylor Killian 0
  • playstation 3
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The safety word is "There is no safety word."

Saints Row 4 DLC: Enter the Dominatrix goes live Oct 22

Deep Silver is almost ready for you to unleash your inner gimp. The first premium DLC for Saints Row IVEnter the Dominatrix drops on October 22 in the US, and October 23 in the UK. All of the whacky super-powered fun of Saints Row IV that you loved so much now comes in S&M flavor for the low, low price of $7. You and a friend can once more take charge of the "Boss(es)" of the Saints, using your virtual powers to wreck both vehicles and people around town. Would you spend a meager $7 to fly around the city of Steelport in bondage gear and bludgeon prostitutes to death with "The Penetrator"?

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