by Taylor Killian 2
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Who watches the Watch_Dogs?!

Watch_Dogs Delayed, but has Second Screen Co-Op

Watch_Dogs has been delayed until spring 2014. The official statement reads like half apology, half plea for forgiveness, especially given the amount of eager people out there who pre-ordered the next console packaged with the game. The folks down at Ubisoft Montreal do seem legitimately sorry that they yanked the carpet out from under so many people who were looking forward to this experience. If you have pre-ordered the Watch_Dogs bundle with either an Xbox One or a Playstation 4, contact the retailer in order to resolve any issues.

by Taylor Killian 0
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On Pandora, they probably give out bullets instead of candy.

Borderlands 2 DLC: TK Baha's Bloody Harvest available October 22

It's pretty hard to get around October without thinking too much about Halloween. Whether it's your significant other wanting to plan out a humiliating couples costume, or your friends trying to convince you to hit up a party as a construction worker to complete their Village People endeavor, odds are pretty good that it's hard to escape Halloween's grasp. Well, Gearbox wants to remind you that Halloween isn't a mere American tradition. It's also celebrated by the ever violent denizens of Pandora!

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