Co-Op Release Alert for the Week of 10.20.2013
There are a few co-op titles sneaking out this week, but the "big" one is a new LEGO game, which are always a great couch co-op experience.
There are a few co-op titles sneaking out this week, but the "big" one is a new LEGO game, which are always a great couch co-op experience.
Coming new to SimCity is an awesome looking expansion pack that brings your cities into the future. The Cities of Tomorrow expansion pack lets players update their cities’ infrastructure based off futuristic architecture and technology, and the icing on the cake is that many of the ideas are currently in research in real cities today.
Patch 1.105 for Defiance is now live. I guess the developers needed something to do with their MMO-ish shooter given that the linking TV show is on hiatus until spring of next year. If your squad of trusted allies is in need of more structure to your hellbug slaughtering mayhem, this might what your team has been waiting for.
Grand Theft Auto Online is certainly up and running. After a few teething troubles it appears that Rockstar Games are finally getting a handle on the 16 player co-op elements of the game. The latest patch will automatically load for PS3 and 360 owners and helps you to keep the cars you have bought/stolen, as well as making sure Crew invites work better.
Welcome to Beyond Co-Op, the weekly news piece which looks at interesting happenings around the gaming industry. This week we see the end of a certain online service, the announcement of a new game in the 4X genre, and NVIDIA announcing a host of new things.
Pokemon might not be co-op, but a few of the staff members have found themselves invested in the game. Are we going to collect them all? Only time will tell. When we aren't collecting them we'll be collecting loot in Diablo 3, checking out (or drooling over) the Hearthstone beta, and much more.
Super Motherload, the sequel to Motherload, has just dug up a new trailer for the game. Specifically showcasing the PS4 version of the game, the new trailer displays final gameplay as well as some previously unseen features in earlier trailers. Developer XGen Studios is also happy to announce that they're currently participating in the ...
We were incredibly disappointed by the launch of Takedown: Red Sabre. The game simply fell short of every promise it made. We had hoped to have a compact co-op tactical shooter that reminded us of an experience that has all but disappeared in gaming, but instead we encountered connectivity and AI issues. A new patch is out for the game fixing many problems.
The last we heard of the physics-based co-op space shooter Retrobooster, developer Terry Welsh was sharing with us how implementing cooperative gameplay, in what had begun and was intended to be a single player game, changed his perspective on things. Those cooperative elements are still having an influence as testing of the game has progressed and lead Terry to release one of the biggest updates to the game yet.
ZenStudios has seen it fit to destroy fortresses on as many platforms as possible. CastleStorm is hopping on down to the Playstation 3 and Playstation Vita, cross-buy, on November 5th. Originally released on the XBLA and PC, CastleStorm is a love child between the noble-blooded tower defense genre, and the street-raised brawler. One wonders if the boardroom discussions regarding what kind of game to make were split between people that really enjoy Final Fight, and those who are super into Angry Birds. Clearly a deal was brokered.
Shortly after the impressive 1.2 patch hit Terraria, developer Andrew Spinks announced a sequel to the game was in the works. To put it in a confusing and succinct way, it's going to be everything Terraria is, times infinity and slightly different.
This week in Indie-Ana Co-Op, the usual podcastin' Co-Opticrew got together to play and stream a little bit of the upcoming co-op friendly arena brawler, FORCED. The game is set to release next Thursday, the 24th, and we thought it would be a good time for us to dive in and see what it's all about....